Witness Coaching
Have you been called to testify? Feeling nervous about it? Don’t know the ins and outs of the legal process?
Your lawyer will certainly have prepared you regarding the content of your testimony. But how should you deliver it? Me Schirm, a litigator and professional coach, can help you be the best possible witness, manage your stress and show you how to deliver your story concisely, accurately and credibly. In short, she can help you win your case!

Your client has invested money and you’ve invested all your energy to win your case and get the best possible result for your client. You’re all set!
But is your client ready? Will they be the credible, confident witness you need? Yes, they may know the facts; they know their story, but do they have the right tools and skills to handle the hazards of a trial? Or an introverted or interventionist judge? Or a colleague who bombards them during cross-examination or asks unexpected questions? Will they be able to stay the course?
Any experienced lawyer knows that it’s essential to prepare the witness well because their testimony forms part of the evidence. But that’s not all. Your client must also be supported in matters of form and process. It’s not just the message that needs to be delivered, the way the message is conveyed is also key.
(Me) Sylvie Schirm puts her 30 years of experience as a litigator and her training as a professional coach at your clients’ disposal so that an anxious and insecure witness becomes a confident and credible witness, and a hot-headed and somewhat arrogant witness becomes a collaborative and sympathetic witness.
1 Co-author of La préparation du témoin chez Éditions Yvon Blais Inc..
We understand you. We defend you. We guide you.
Our contact details
355, rue Drapeau, Laval, QC, H7L 2B8
Tel: 450 241-0121
Fax: 514 437-1793