Youth Protection
Has the YPD intruded in your life?
Schirm & Tremblay Avocats can help.
The Youth Protection Director (YPD) is responsible for applying the Youth Protection Act, which stipulates that specific measures must be taken when the safety or development of a child may be compromised. It may intervene in cases of abandonment, neglect, psychological abuse, exposure to parental conflict, parental alienation, physical and/or sexual abuse, and so forth.
The YPD’s powers are broad and intrusive.
Whether you’re still at the reporting or investigation stage, or if a Youth Court order has been issued, you need to be accompanied and represented before the courts by a lawyer who specializes in youth protection. The Schirm & Tremblay Avocats team is made up of lawyers with specific expertise in youth protection.
In the Youth Division, the Court’s sole objective is to protect children and act in their best interests. The team at Schirm & Tremblay Avocats will support you throughout this process and make all the necessary representations to ensure the Court considers your point of view when assessing your child’s best interests.
We have represented parents who have had their children (ranging from newborn babies to teenagers) taken away from them before the Youth Court and have helped these families return to a normal, YPD-free life, with a child who is happy and safe.
Contact us to learn more.
We understand you. We defend you. We guide you.
Nos coordonnées
355, rue Drapeau, Laval, QC, H7L 2B8
Tel: 450 241-0121
Fax: 514 437-1793